Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Beginning

I have never been a blogger, but I sure have been an avid follower of many blogs. So here I am, up at school, with nothing to do. So I guess there is nothing better to do than start a blog. Share with the world the Little Beautiful Things that I find or see in my life. There is something beautiful to see everyday, and sometimes we really are just too busy to notice. Just like Perry on Phineas and Ferb. They lose sight of him for a while, they get caught up in their inventions. That's why I'm here, to share that little piece of beauty that we sometimes forget about.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,
    You are one of the most beautiful things I think about, along with your brother and sisters. Sometimes I loose sight of who you are and then I read this blog and I find you again. It brings me pleasure and joy every day to see you become more beautiful each waking moment. Hanson must of been thinking of my children when he wrote his heart and soul song, because there you are right in the middle of it,showing the world that there are beautiful things and people all around us. Thank you!
