Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What does Beauty Mean to You?

Well for today's post I decided to see how everyone else perceived beauty. Thank you everyone who participated in my little blog event. I made a little collage of all the posts that I received. Well have a gander
{also sorry for the smallness of the picture, i am seeing if this will help it load better}

P.S. There is another one, that I couldn't quite find a picture to sum it up so I am just going to post it right here...
My sister said one of the things that she considers beautiful, is when her husband farts and her daughter asks, "Did you poop?" 

Beauty to me, is my family. {and our openness about poop}

Monday, June 27, 2011

Facebook Stealer

As many of you probably know, I am a huge Facebook stalker. So these are some of my finds while doing my favorite pass time.

Now I am sure you are asking yourself, "Really Jessica, how is this any way considered beautiful?" Oh I will tell you. I think growing up we all had our own way of saving seats. In my house it was, "Nick Nack, I get my spot when I get back." Now wouldn't it have just been awesome if you had one of these to save your spot. What a surprise your older or younger sibling would get when they tried to take your spot. I think when someone can take a memory and make it tangible, like this picture, there is some beauty in that.

And you thought spongebob had nothing important to say. How amazing is it, that we can be a person that other people strive to be. 

Where would you go? Read a new book, an old one, watch a silent movie, or one with sound, do anything. Look for that little beauty in the world that has yet to be found.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Secret Sundays

Some of you may know about Post Secret. Others might not. So I will explain it. Post Secret is a social art project that a man name Frank started. All he wanted was people to anonymously write their secrets on a postcard and mail it to him. He has received a lot more letters than I'm sure he ever thought he would. He picks 20 or so every week and posts them on PostSecret.com every Sunday. With the other secrets he gets, he puts them in a book. Some secrets are dark, some funny, and others are sad. There are some secrets that you can feel their pain as they wrote it out. There are some that you find yourself thinking, "Wow, that's one of my secrets too." It is a nice thought knowing you aren't alone, and that maybe someone is just as crazy as you.  But no matter what the secret is, there is some thing beautiful in it. People are letting go of the one thing that is keeping them from moving on. They share with the world something they might not be able to face themselves. 

I decided to share my favorite secret from this week. On the back it says, "She's the one." Isn't that what life is about? Finding that special someone, to get married and raise a beautiful family. Whoever this is, I hope it has a fairytale ending. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Beautiful Song of the Week

I have decided that I am going to do a song of the week! I know I have been quite the video poster the last couple days, but you know its all in the sake of beauty right? This week's song is All We Are by Matt Nathanson. I heard it while watching NCIS and thought it was just wonderful! Just remember that even if today doesn't seem all that great, there is always tomorrow, the start of something beautiful

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beauty Even in Class

Well here is a little post for today. I was sitting in graphic design class trying not to fall asleep, when my teacher starts this little Beauty. I wish I would of had this at the start of my blog. I think it pretty much sums up the purpose of my whole Project. There is something Special in everything we see, eat, or smell. are we going to pass it up, or be the ones to Embrace every chance we get?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm on a Roll

I just started this thing so I am getting all excited about it. But I would just like to share this little video from Hanson. Yep you heard right....Hanson. As in the guys who sang Mmm...Bop. 

We could all use a little more heart and soul, lots of colors, elderly people dancing, babies dancing, and a little trumpet, looks like even in the world of Hanson we can find something beautiful.

Let's Get Started

So I already have some pictures that I have found recently, so I thought I would share them...

What's not beautiful about colorful balloons coming out of an old grey building?

Some of the most amazing things can come out of getting lost. Take a walk, run, even a little drive, and see what you can find.

Not only is this picture its self just fabulous. Sometimes the things that we read or write can be the most beautiful things we will ever experience. 

I saw this on my friend's Facebook. Do what you want with your life. It is a beautiful thing. Life is the most amazing thing we have, why not make the best of it. Travel the world, get married, have a family, whatever it is, do not take life for granted.

I think this says it all.

Friends are wonderful things. They watch our backs and stick by our sides. 

Winnie the Pooh said it best.

The Beginning

I have never been a blogger, but I sure have been an avid follower of many blogs. So here I am, up at school, with nothing to do. So I guess there is nothing better to do than start a blog. Share with the world the Little Beautiful Things that I find or see in my life. There is something beautiful to see everyday, and sometimes we really are just too busy to notice. Just like Perry on Phineas and Ferb. They lose sight of him for a while, they get caught up in their inventions. That's why I'm here, to share that little piece of beauty that we sometimes forget about.